On the 11th, 12th and 13th of November 2022, Sensika is organizing a hackathon in Campus X and we hope that you will take up this challenge with us.
We have previously supported think tanks such as the Center for the Study of Democracy with our unique SaaS platform by tackling the anti-democratic messaging and disinformation in Europe.
Sensika has also organized a hackathon on the topic of disinformation together with United Partners, a leading PR & Communications agency in Bulgaria.
Following these successful experiences, Sensika is now hosting a cross-disciplinary hackathon to take a step further in the battle against disinformation and more precisely on the creation of algorithms that measure the reliability of news websites.

Contrary to the previous one, this hackathon will not only employ the latest knowledge of some of the brightest talents in data science and programming, but also the one of non-technical enthusiasts, academics, journalists, and professional fact checkers.
Our goals is to hold a two-day hackathon, encouraging cross-disciplinary experts to join hands and create a well-rounded technique for scoring news websites.
The first part of the event workshops, presentations and a general discussion on disinformation will be held. Different approaches as well as knowledge on how to spot unreliable online news sources based on Sensika’s experience in Media Monitoring will be shared across.
Subsequently, during the second part of the hackathon the attendees will be separated into multidisciplinary teams that would be given the task to develop an algorithm that scores the reliability of news websites.
Sensika will provide every team with a data set and a list of problematic pre-scored sources as a basis on which the participants would be able to create their algorithm.
A leadership board will then rate the performance of each team and test their end-product.