The Customer Challenge
The World Government Summit 2022 is a recurrent forum based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Its main goal is to encourage government officials and policymakers to exchange knowledge and experience on topics as diverse as technological innovation, futurism, and state well-being.
This is why when our partners at APCO reached out to us in relation to this multidisciplinary platform, Sensika’s team was more than thrilled to offer them a product that would simultaneously enrich their understanding of the global event and help them integrate the data into useful recommendations and insights.
Sensika’s Solution
Ad Hoc Media Monitoring Report
Thanks to Sensika’s advanced functionalities & broad source catalog, the overall data processing was simplified and largely automated.
The client received a full online media report that spanned a wider period in order to encompass the media landscape before, during, and after the event itself.
The included information was presented in a way that enabled the end user to establish timely correlations between the different data sets. As part of this project we successfully delivered diverse charts divided by region and metric type, detailed visualizations of the geographical scope, content peak elaboration, and a precise summary of the viral headlines.
The Outcomes

Guarantee additional value to other interested parties

Spot marketable stories and dominant trends

Optimize different campaign management features